ENTRY 0017, December 23, 2004
It has been a month and a half since the election. I was going to
write something immediately following the results, but I was so upset
that I found myself incapable of remaining rational. I decided to
wait a few days. Every time I tried to, I found that I was
spewing vitriol in such amounts that I found it difficult to read my
own writing. It was a spleen-venting beyond belief...
Basically I was really, really pissed that we, as a country, elected
that asshole moron to lead us. Did we not learn from the first
four years? Apparently not. How to state my feelings?
I did not want to descend into anger, but damn, I am really, really
America is rapidly bifurcating. We have two parts, the Red
America and the Blue America. Red goes for Republicans and blue
for democrats. There is very little in the way of "Swing" going
on anymore. There are a few "too close to tell", but they are
rapidly evaporating. What do these two Americas stand for?
Red America feels that the old ways are best.
-Beat your kids
-Beat up Homos
-If you are poor, it's your own damn fault
-Their god should be everywhere and you should be forced to acknowledge
him, even if you worship another god or no god at all.
-Women should be in the home being mommies and wives
-Men should make all the decisions
-Women should accept this
-Women should be forced to have any babies they may get pregnant with,
regardless of... well anything
-White is right
-Any petty criminal should be locked up forever. However, if you
are a CEO who steals billions, that should be considered a tip
-Rich people deserve to be rich, so we should defer to them and let
them keep as much of their money as possible, even if it means giving
poor people the shaft.
-A strong military will keep us safe. However, you should not
look too closely at the fact that we spend more on the military than
the rest of the world combined, and we still got swatted by Osama...
-Schools would be much better places if kids were forced to pray daily,
studied only the Three R's and Abstinence education
-Along the same lines, evolution is evil and we must replace proven
science with unprovable religion
-The media exists to serve those in power
-You should not ask questions of those in authority, they know
best. Just accept what they say and everything will be fine
-And on, and on, and on
Blue America does not feel like this.
Blue America believes that the purpose of government should be to help
the American people in general, not just a few.
Blue America believes that we should not attack countries just because
we can.
America believes that People come First, not Corporations.
America believes that if Bush continues this way, the United States
will crumble. Freedom will become a thing of the past, and any
hope you had for a bright future will get dimmer by the second.
Okay, if I continue this, my head will explode. I must stop for
now. Suffice it to say that I am VERY upset that Bush won the
election, and I really, really, really fear for the future, in oh, so
many ways.
There is an old Chinese proverb that states "May you live in
interesting times." Well, things are pretty fucking interesting
right now.
what's new?
-Bush is still a lying moron.
-We still have two working rovers on Mars. That is still Too Cool
For Words.
-Christmas is in a couple of days. People are going nuts at the
malls. I did 99% of my shopping online this year.
-For the first time in 5 years or so, we have a christmas tree.
Here are a few pics of our tree and its decorations:
Squeak and Barbie helped us decorate:

Barbie ties a present with a festive bow!

And the view from the street:

No wonder the neighbors don't come to visit that often...
Well, I gotta run.
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